Know the Legal Way of Court Marriage in Pakistan (2020)

Court Marriage in Lahore Pakistan:

Nikah Registrar in Lahore after court marriage in Lahore Pakistan has to demonstrate more sense of responsibility. Nikah Registrar in Lahore Pakistan to demonstrate more sense of responsibility before authenticating Nikah in Lahore Pakistan  by making proper enquiries as to competency of parties to understand nature of their role, their ages and regarding their so acting of free will and without any duress. Wife's entitlement to maintenance in accordance with conditions contained in Nikahnama was strictly implemented. Wife's entitlement to maintenance in accordance with conditions contained in marriage certificate by the nikah registrar in Lahore Pakistan should be given to the wife.

Procedure of Court Marriage in Pakistan:

Most of the males and females not know the procedure of court marriage in Pakistan under Pakistani Law. But you don’t worry nazia law associate provide the services of court marriage in Lahore Pakistan since 2007. She Know the court marriage procedure in Pakistan according to the family laws. You Tube Video: you can see our YouTube video and the answer of your question available there.

Legal Way Of Court Marriage in Pakistan Under Laws:

A court marriage in Pakistan under Law is a civil contract and husband has a right to divorce his wife whenever he desires without assigning any cause. Court marriage in Pakistan of a woman before completion of lddat period is irregular. Marriage of a woman before completion of her lddat, was irregular and not void. Irregular marriage could have its own consequences under personal law, but same could not be treated as void and could not be regarded as un-Islamic or against the Shariah.  Court marriage in Pakistan contracted during the period of "lddat' is invalid and not even irregular. Accused lady after having been divorced by the complainant had contracted a valid, legitimate and perfectly legal marriage with her co-accused.

Marriage is A Legal Construct:

Marriage under Islamic Law is a civil contract and not a sacrament. Marriage is for comfort, love and compassion. One of the objects of matrimonial tie is procreation of human generation and it is the bounden duty of husband to keep his wife with love, affection, respect and provide her maintenance during subsistence of marriage. Islam has laid down the parameter for spouses to live within those bounds and if the parties transgress their parameters, they should relieve each other by breaking the matrimonial tie with kindness. Islam has never conferred power/right upon the husband to take law into his hands and to kill his so use for any wrong Committed by her however he can divorce in Pakistan.

Court marriage in Pakistan even if performed through guardians stood repudiated on exercise of option of puberty. Moreover when marriage was not consummated and she never submitted herself for cohabitation. Very exercise of filing suit for dissolution of marriage, in a way is an exercise of option of puberty against the existence of marriage. Presumption regarding Muslim marriage in absence of direct proof can be raised and acted upon with prolonged and continuous cohabitation as husband and wife. Factors to be kept in view by the Court pointed out. Female solemnizing court marriage in Pakistan through lawyer is valid. All Islamic Schools of thought recognize Nikah of female performed through lawyer as valid. 

Defendants specifically did not deny the relationship of husband and wife in their written statement but took plea that lady was not legally wedded wife of the man. Held, in view of such a plea, it was incumbent on the defendant to establish that under what circumstances the lady was living with the man, if she was not legally wedded wife of the man. Plaintiff, no doubt was also to produce the lady in evidence, on the point of marriage between her and the man but that would not have the effect of brushing aside the evidence brought on record


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